Saturday, May 23, 2009

Living life as it comes

No looking back. Ready for what God has in store, no matter if it means having a hard life ahead or living it as I've dreamed of.

It's been going great, getting ready to start a new life and tossing an "immature" one, high school of course.

At first, I couldn't help but feel a sense of sadness, I was leaving a place that I grew to love. But as the days progressed I learned to see that it blurred everything else in life, people there would baby you and offer you chances that the real world doesn't have.

Now, I have an optimistic attitude as these days end. Looking forward, with my cup "half full". Letting some things go can be the best for all of us.

Most of us got tired of the same routine over and over again. It'll probably be the same way and even worse once we graduate, but hey, it's for us to find out.

Recently, I've been looking for a job, so then I can start looking for a car. Thanks to my sister having great hookups with a man who works at a bank. He'll be able to get me a brand new car(repoed, of course) with just 2.2% interest. Great stuff. And so I can also help my mother out and pay the house mortgage.
Many at my age wouldn't know how to handle life without having parents that have money coming out of their asses, excuse my language.
I'm blessed to have this kind of life, it teaches me to not buy what I want but to buy what I truly need. I've been under a solid budget for almost 2 years now and it's been going great. Many oppourtunities have been coming along the way.

I've been thinking so much lately about my education/career. I have no idea what I'm going to major in. Difficult decisions, and so little time to make them; about 1 year to be exact, time flies right out of your hands in the blink of an eye, so I have to make a choice sooner or later.

Possible majors:

  • Spanish/Language Specialist(this includes Spanish teaching and interpretation)
  • Creative Writing(movie producing, a writer of some sort)
  • Theatre [Tech Crew]
  • Massage Therapy/Physical Therapist
  • Education
  • Photography
Ugh, I wish I was like everyone else already knowing what they wanted to study in college. If you have everything planned for tomorrow, well, where is the spontaneity? Where is the "what if" in the future? Or the what will I have to fight for, look forward for in the future that lies ahead.

It's so tough making a decision right now. It's like I'm waiting for someone's approval or for someone to tell me what to do/what's best for me.
It's a thin debate between Spanish, Creative Writing, Education, Photography and Theatre.

My sister said, "Why don't you Major in Spanish and Minor in Creative Writing?" Because it's just not interesting for me that way, I don't get a kick out of it by just thinking about life like that. I don't want to write books in Spanish or even work in a Spanish newspaper, but I do want to interpret the Spanish language. I love writing blogs, quotes, advice and everything else in between. A massive oxymoron, none the less.

I wouldn't mind Creative Writing and Theatre going hand in hand. Maybe Spanish and Education. Theatre and Education. Creative Writing and Photography. Or even Education and Photography. I wouldn't mind being a sports photographer, or a photographer/yearbook editor for a school. But the question is which one to follow. Ugh! But what will truly benefit me down the line? Don't know.

Whatever I choose, I've been hoping for the best out of it. The best outcome to that decision.
Well just have to wait and see what's in store for tomorrow and even the next.
In this path towards "success" we will lose many "friends" who have been along our side for many years.

Note this:
"We all go through life meeting people, remembering the ones we choose, the ones who impact our lives the most. But it's not important how often we see each other but how often we think about each other. We keep those individuals in memories of our present but soon the past it will be. Trying to not let that fade away. We soon realize that we won't always be together, so we should try to make as much of the sufficient time we have to make something to remember."

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