Friday, April 3, 2009

today was a good day...for my birthday eve

Today was pretty interesting and well...
wishing that he can see what I go through just because of him...but there he goes "loving" his gf.

"I'm getting tired of this.
Tired of wishing everyone good luck, and just watching from the sidelines.
As much as it hurts to see everyone so happy, I still tell them what's best for them.
As much as it hurts to do that, I'll still live my life...
Something started to entwine with you and me, but someone came along and broke us free."

Besides the lines above, the day was pretty great; I spent this day like I would of liked to. Many great laughs that will probably be remembered for a good amount of time.
Went to the twins' track meet at the school, pretty exciting for all of us, meet many handsome young men(when I mean handsome young men I mean: immature, looking for someone to f..., "closed minded", all brawns and no brains, etc...).
While there I worked on many friendships, tried to get them back up where they used to be...but of course I won't be able to do that in one day.

I also enjoyed this day because my father for the first time since I can remember, wasn't angry for the week/weekend of my birthday. Actually, it's a miracle. And a hard to believe one too.
I got a few things ready for tomorrow(my birthday dinner), setting times and restaurants that accommodate everyone or that everyone will enjoy. Excited for it. Wishing he could be there tomorrow, but realizing that it won't happen like that.

Hopefully everything will work out and will be a night to remember...
Honestly, Nidia

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