Friday, December 31, 2010

One year ago today, my heart melted for him...

A year ago today,
I met the man of my dreams.
It's crazy how time flew by.

We brought in a new year with our first kiss
And now we're letting go of an incredible year with another loving kiss.

I would of never thought in my wildest dreams that this year would turn out the way it has.
It's crazy how I'm still crazy about him.
Feels like I've known him for years and years.
But still as much in love with him as our first months together.
I've never felt anything like this.
It's amazing.
It really feels like I'm in a Disney fairy tale story.
I wouldn't change it for the world.

I can't even describe it, that's love though.
He went over to my house today at 4 am to drop off a love letter. It was so unexpected.
I can't stop smiling and glowing.
I've never felt this happy before
Many people envy us, we have something that people want and need in their lives.
Some go their whole lives without it, some claim to have experienced it, others, the lucky ones, have it and won't ever let go of it.

I used to believe I've experienced it and had it in my life, but I was so wrong, I never knew what it was until my knight in shinning armor showed up at my doorstep Dec. 31st, 2009.

Fate brought us together.
He's my dream come true, and I never want to wake up ;)
Just last night, I mentioned to my mother, "this is the man I'm going to marry, I know I'll waking up in his arms for the rest of my life."

The great thing about it is that he feels exactly the same way.
He's the most loving, caring, handsome, cute, funny, and one in a million kind of boyfriend.

Happy One Year Anniversary baby!

I love you

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