Monday, September 20, 2010

Insomnia never sleeps, so why should we?

Why do the thoughts of earlier days that made you angry, upset, and sad come to you when you're about to lay down, close your eyes, relax your body and rest your mind.

Is it because we have a room all to ourselves covered from wall to wall in darkness?
Or is our subconscious trying to tell us something? Converse with us in some way.

"If we believe that we're all alone in this world, know that we're together in that too, nobody who is alone is alone. There are many people feeling the same stranded-ness that you're feeling right now."
It's just a matter of how you see it, your perspective.

Do you have the similar problem? I mean, having those thoughts come back to you while you lay down your sword and shield for the day.

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